


熱門關(guān)鍵詞:禹城彩鋼廠,禹城彩鋼復(fù)合板,禹城鋼結(jié)構(gòu)板房 彩鋼板房


來源:http://www.fptdc.cn 日期:2021-06-25 發(fā)布人:
1,外形方面:現(xiàn)在的活動(dòng)房造型方面有一定的局限性,這是受集裝箱本身的形狀決定的,設(shè)計(jì)師們只是對(duì) 活動(dòng)房的內(nèi)部進(jìn)行設(shè)計(jì),但是整體的外觀上面還是改變不了多少,無非是活動(dòng)板房模塊的重復(fù)性的疊加。另外,集裝箱活動(dòng)板房活動(dòng)房對(duì)城市的美觀方面不會(huì)起到作用,不能作為性的建筑。
1. Appearance: there are some limitations in the modeling of the current activity room, which is determined by the shape of the container itself. Designers only design the interior of the activity room, but the overall appearance can't be changed much. It's nothing more than the repetitive superposition of the activity room modules. In addition, the container prefabricated house will not play a role in the beauty of the city, and can not be used as a permanent building.
2. Application: prefabricated houses are mainly used in temporary construction sites and field operations, but there is no relevant policy to regulate their safety standards. Only as a mobile residence and temporary office is acceptable, but as a civil building is still very difficult to accept, Caigang prefabricated house - second hand prefabricated house - prefabricated house recycling - prefabricated house manufacturer - Liaocheng Changsheng Steel Structure Co., Ltd. This is affected by the traditional concept, I think it will not change in 20 years.
3,性方面:用集裝箱改造成的活動(dòng)房方面還沒有合理的驗(yàn)證,這與集裝箱特殊的結(jié)構(gòu)形式有關(guān)系,如果是工地上臨時(shí)的集裝箱房,只有一層,集裝箱活動(dòng)板房多的話也就是3層的,這樣的話性還是有保證的,即使遇到7級(jí)以上的地震,由于單 個(gè)集裝箱是由鋼材制作,整體性能好,也是能承受的了地震的,但是如果搭建的建筑層數(shù)特別高,如何把每個(gè)集裝箱牢固連接在一起,集裝箱活動(dòng)板房應(yīng)該是一個(gè)值得研究的問題。
3. Safety: there is no reasonable verification for the safety of the mobile house transformed from containers, which is related to the special structural form of containers. If it is a temporary container house on the construction site, it has only one floor, and if there are many container mobile houses, it has three floors. In this way, the safety is still guaranteed, even in the event of an earthquake of magnitude 7 or above, Because a single container is made of steel, the overall performance is good, and it can withstand the earthquake. However, if the number of floors of the building is particularly high, how to firmly connect each container together should be a problem worthy of study.




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