


熱門關(guān)鍵詞:禹城彩鋼廠,禹城彩鋼復(fù)合板,禹城鋼結(jié)構(gòu)板房 彩鋼板房


來源:http://www.fptdc.cn 日期:2021-08-05 發(fā)布人:
彩板房作為我國新型房屋建筑行業(yè)一支新星,雖然在我國占據(jù)了相當(dāng)?shù)幕顒影宸渴袌?,但是與發(fā)達(dá)相比還是有很大的距離的,隨著一條條負(fù)面新聞的誕生,安 全防火,,已經(jīng)成為了所有消費(fèi)者選擇活動板房的首要條件,相信彩板房經(jīng)營者要經(jīng)常敲醒安 全生產(chǎn)的警鐘,在以后的生產(chǎn)中以質(zhì)量、以人生安 全為重,從而加 快活動板房在我國前進(jìn)的腳步。
As a new star in China's new housing construction industry, color board houses occupy a considerable movable board house market in China, but they are still far from developed countries. With the birth of negative news, safety, fire prevention, energy conservation and environmental protection have become the primary conditions for all consumers to choose movable board houses, It is believed that the operators of color board houses should often wake up the alarm of safety production and focus on quality and life safety in future production, so as to speed up the progress of movable board houses in China.
In order to ensure the thermal insulation effect, the thermal insulation materials used in the outer wall and roof of the building can be used for a long time and can be insulated. In addition to filling glass fiber mesh cloth between the walls and columns, a layer of thermal insulation material is pasted on the outside of the wall, which effectively blocks the thermal bridge from the wall column to the outer wall panel; The joists between floors are filled with glass fiber to reduce the heat transfer through the floors; Glass fiber is filled between wall columns of all interior walls to reduce heat transfer between household walls.
彩板房的鋼結(jié)構(gòu)制造簡便、施工方便,具有良好的裝配性。鋼結(jié)構(gòu)由各種型材組成,都采用機(jī)械加工,彩板房在金屬結(jié)構(gòu)廠制造.制作簡便,成品的精 確度高.制成的構(gòu)件可運(yùn)到現(xiàn)場拼裝.采用螺栓連接.因結(jié)構(gòu)較輕,故施工方便,建成的鋼結(jié)構(gòu)也易于拆卸、加固或改建。
The steel structure of the color board room has the advantages of simple manufacture, convenient construction and good assembly. The steel structure is composed of various profiles, which are machined. The color plate house is manufactured in the metal structure factory. It is easy to manufacture and has high accuracy of finished products. The components can be transported to the site for assembly. It is connected by bolts. Due to the light structure, the construction is convenient, and the built steel structure is also easy to disassemble, reinforce or reconstruct.
目前一種常用的方便住宅,可作為短期辦公室,當(dāng)然對其舒 適性也有一定的要求,而隔音效果也正是舒 適度的一個評判的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。彩板房在隔音效果上,由于彩板房的獨(dú)特的構(gòu)造,采用的是以夾芯彩鋼板的墻面,而其中的夾芯材料雖能起到保溫隔熱的作用,但是抗噪音性能卻不是很佳,因此相對于普通的住房,彩板房的隔音性也就稍微的差一點(diǎn)。
At present, a commonly used convenient residence can be used as a short-term office. Of course, there are certain requirements for its comfort, and the sound insulation effect is a standard for judging the comfort. In terms of sound insulation effect, due to the unique structure of the color board room, the wall of the color board room is made of sandwich color steel plate. Although the sandwich material can play the role of thermal insulation, the anti noise performance is not very good. Therefore, compared with ordinary houses, the sound insulation of the color board room is slightly worse.
Color board houses have different board types and are composed of different core materials at different levels. Color board houses can be fully competent in many construction fields such as industrial plants, public buildings, composite houses and purification projects. In addition, they also have a place in household appliances and transportation. Although they are not the mainstream in these two industries, color board houses are developing and growing, In the construction field, color steel plate generally takes hot-dip galvanized steel plate and hot-dip aluminum zinc steel plate as the base plate. After being processed into corrugated plate or composite sandwich plate with polyurethane, it is used to build the roof, wall and door of steel structure workshop, airport, warehouse, freezer and other commercial buildings.




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