


熱門關鍵詞:禹城彩鋼廠,禹城彩鋼復合板,禹城鋼結構板房 彩鋼板房


來源:http://www.fptdc.cn 日期:2022-09-13 發(fā)布人:
Project plank houses often appear in roadside corners of some construction sites and are often used as residences. They are more convenient to use and faster to install, and are widely welcomed by the public. With the popularity of prefabricated houses, more and more manufacturers have begun to appear. There are many kinds of commonly selected houses. Special attention should be paid to the purchase of prefabricated houses in Jinan. The following factors should be considered in the purchase of prefabricated houses in Jinan.
1、 注意配件的
1. Pay attention to the price of accessories
Common purchased accessories of project plank houses include ceiling, anti-theft net, etc. Although the number of these accessories is small, it is easier to "step on thunder" in these aspects. Among them, the price of ceiling and anti-theft net fluctuates little. It is necessary to know in advance before purchasing to prevent the price from being raised.
2. Area calculation of project plank house
If it is a standard type, the area of the prefabricated house designed according to the module has been calculated. There is a comparison table of the area of the prefabricated house. If it is heterogeneous, it is calculated according to rules.
3. Pay attention to the quality of C-section steel
There are many materials for Engineering Plank houses, among which two materials should be paid attention to: C-shaped steel and color steel sandwich panel.
用于板房C型鋼,為8#型,應用于地梁、立柱、圈梁、一字梁、樓面檁條等處,特別要留意立柱與一字梁處的C型鋼。立柱與一字梁為板房結構的關鍵承受 力點,這兩處應采用1.8mm厚度的雙8#C型鋼。其次要觀察材料的表面涂料是否平整光滑,若將材料的表面涂料馬虎了事,則板房表面容易氧化。
The C-section steel used for the plank house is 8 # type, which is applied to the ground beam, column, ring beam, I-beam, floor purlin, etc. pay special attention to the C-section steel at the column and I-beam. The column and I-beam are the key bearing points of the slab house structure, and double 8 # C-shaped steel with a thickness of 1.8mm shall be used at these two places. Secondly, it is necessary to observe whether the surface coating of the material is flat and smooth. If the surface coating of the material is careless, the surface of the prefabricated house is easy to be oxidized.
4、 注意雙面彩鋼夾芯板與PU瓦的鋼板厚度
4. Pay attention to the steel plate thickness of double-sided color steel sandwich plate and Pu tile
Double sided color steel sandwich panels are mainly used for exterior walls, and Pu tiles are used for roofs, which are widely used in prefabricated houses. The standard thickness of the steel plates for both should be 0.326mm. Some engineering plank house manufacturers use 0.286mm or lower steel plates to reduce material costs, resulting in low quality of plank houses and damaging the interests of customers.
5、 要求板房廠家提供基礎圖
5. The prefabricated house manufacturer is required to provide the foundation drawing
The site foundation of the project slab house is not high, and it is usually a band type concrete foundation with a width of 300mm and a depth of 300mm. When talking with the manufacturer, you should clearly tell the manufacturer about your site and ask for the basic drawing for design. If it is to fill loose soil, regular manufacturers will build you to compact the site, or increase the width of the section of the belt foundation. The foundation has reached the ground endurance of more than 157 / m2 to ensure that the overall foundation does not sink.
The above are some points that need to be considered when purchasing engineering prefabricated houses. Special attention should be paid to the above points when purchasing to prevent exceeding the budget when purchasing. These factors also affect the quality of Engineering prefabricated houses, so special attention should be paid. For more information, please visit our website http://www.fptdc.cn Consult!




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