


熱門關(guān)鍵詞:禹城彩鋼廠,禹城彩鋼復(fù)合板,禹城鋼結(jié)構(gòu)板房 彩鋼板房


來源:http://www.fptdc.cn 日期:2024-02-06 發(fā)布人:


The exterior wall rock wool board that has been coated with bonding mortar is laid from bottom to top, and the long edge of the exterior wall rock wool board is laid and pasted horizontally.

門窗等開口的四個(gè)角應(yīng)在外墻上用一整塊巖棉板切割成型,不允許拼接。 外墻上巖棉板的接縫與洞口四個(gè)角的距離應(yīng)大于200mm,洞口四個(gè)邊的其他巖棉板的寬度也應(yīng)不同。 小于 200 毫米。

The four corners of openings such as doors and windows should be cut into shape using a single rock wool board on the exterior wall, and splicing is not allowed. The distance between the joint of the rock wool board on the exterior wall and the four corners of the opening should be greater than 200mm, and the width of other rock wool boards on the four sides of the opening should also be different. Less than 200 millimeters.

(3)外墻巖棉板間隙控制在1.5mm以內(nèi),接縫處高差控制在1mm以內(nèi); 若外墻巖棉板接縫寬度超過1.5mm,應(yīng)采用適當(dāng)寬度的巖棉板條。 填充接縫,板條不得粘連。


(3) The gap between the exterior wall rock wool board should be controlled within 1.5mm, and the height difference at the joints should be controlled within 1mm; If the joint width of outer wall rock wool board exceeds 1.5mm, rock wool Flat noodles of appropriate width shall be used. Filling joints, Flat noodles shall not be adhered.


(4) Anchor bolts must be installed at the T-joints where three adjacent rock wool boards come into contact.

基層邊緣的錨桿應(yīng)加密固定,如轉(zhuǎn)角、洞口、屋面等,錨桿與邊緣的距離不應(yīng)小于100mm,錨桿的數(shù)量應(yīng)為 在這些部分適當(dāng)增加,以控制靠近邊緣的一排錨點(diǎn)的間距。  300 毫米以內(nèi)。

The anchor rods at the edge of the base layer should be reinforced and fixed, such as corners, openings, roofs, etc. The distance between the anchor rods and the edge should not be less than 100mm, and the number of anchor rods should be appropriately increased in these parts to control the spacing of a row of anchor points near the edge. Within 300 millimeters.


Number of anchor bolts: no less than 7/m2 for building heights below 20m, and no less than 9/m2 for heights above 20m.

對(duì)于需要翻面的部位,外墻棉板正面寬100mm,厚1.5-2.0mm,并拌入抹灰砂漿; 門窗洞口施工完成后,四個(gè)角的外露底沿45°傾斜。  240mm寬300mm長(zhǎng)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)耐堿網(wǎng)布條,壓入抹面膠。

For areas that require flipping, the front of the exterior wall cotton board is 100mm wide and 1.5-2.0mm thick, and plastering mortar is mixed in; After the construction of the door and window openings is completed, the exposed bottom edges of the four corners are inclined at a 45 ° angle. 240mm wide and 300mm long standard alkali resistant mesh cloth strip, pressed into the plaster adhesive.

(八)修補(bǔ)孔洞: 1)腳手架拆除后,應(yīng)及時(shí)修補(bǔ)腳手架孔洞、槽鋼孔洞、穿墻孔等孔洞,墻內(nèi)孔洞應(yīng)填充相同的基礎(chǔ)墻體材料 兩次,用1:3的防水水泥砂漿抹平;  2)將巖棉板按孔的大小裁切,邊緣部分打磨,使其密封嚴(yán)密,填入孔內(nèi);  3)洞孔防水水泥砂漿凝固后,在外墻巖棉板背面涂上10mm厚的專用膠,將巖棉板放入孔內(nèi),注意周邊不要涂專用膠;  4)切割區(qū)域可以覆蓋整個(gè)修,復(fù)區(qū)域的網(wǎng)布,并與周圍網(wǎng)布重疊80mm;  5)涂抹抹灰膠兩次,將修補(bǔ)好的網(wǎng)布分別埋好。 表面不粘時(shí),涂面層抹面膠,厚度應(yīng)與周圍相同;  6) 使用濕刷清潔新舊表面。 平整任何不規(guī)則處并將孔的邊緣刷平。

(8) Repairing holes: 1) After the dismantling of the scaffold, holes such as scaffold holes, channel steel holes, and through wall holes should be repaired in a timely manner. The holes inside the wall should be filled with the same basic wall material twice and smoothed with 1:3 waterproof cement mortar; 2) Cut the rock wool board according to the size of the hole, polish the edge part to make it tightly sealed, and fill it into the hole; 3) After the waterproof cement mortar for the hole solidifies, apply a 10mm thick special adhesive to the back of the external wall rock wool board. Place the rock wool board into the hole, and be careful not to apply the special adhesive around it; 4) The cutting area can cover the entire repair and restoration area's mesh, and overlap 80mm with the surrounding mesh; 5) Apply plaster twice and bury the repaired mesh separately. When the surface is not sticky, apply a surface layer of adhesive, and the thickness should be the same as the surrounding area; 6) Use a wet brush to clean both new and old surfaces. Flatten any irregularities and brush the edges of the holes flat.

網(wǎng)格條的設(shè)置:每?jī)蓪釉跇菍游恢迷O(shè)置網(wǎng)格條。 格子條采用粘貼法施工,即用膠粘劑粘貼在保溫板上,背層砂漿應(yīng)與格子條平齊,平整度誤差不超過1mm。

Grid bar setting: Grid bars are set at floor positions every two floors. The grid strip is constructed using the adhesive method, which is to stick it onto the insulation board with adhesive. The back layer mortar should be flush with the grid strip, and the flatness error should not exceed 1mm.


Edge wrapping with eaves wall mesh fabric: During the insulation construction of the exterior wall of the eaves wall, alkali resistant mesh fabric is laid along the eaves.




備案號(hào):魯ICP備2023024436號(hào) 魯公網(wǎng)安備37010202001695號(hào) 網(wǎng)站地圖|XML|TXT

