


熱門關鍵詞:禹城彩鋼廠,禹城彩鋼復合板,禹城鋼結構板房 彩鋼板房


來源:http://www.fptdc.cn 日期:2020-06-22 發(fā)布人:
1.活動板房的施工的單位必須具有相應的技術資質,必須為合法的企業(yè),有具體的施工方案。這樣才能保證活動房的建設技術水平有保障 。濟南活動板房
1. The construction unit of the movable plank house must have the corresponding technical qualification, be a legal enterprise, and have a specific construction scheme. Only in this way can we guarantee the construction technology level of the mobile house. Jinan mobile board house
2. Start with the raw materials of the activity board house, don't cut corners to save money for a while. The quality of components, color steel plates, beams and columns, and bolts of the mobile room shall be ensured. In case of quality problems of components, bolts and beams and columns in the construction process, they shall be replaced immediately.
3. Clarify the ownership of safety responsibility and standardize the contract management of the whole process from construction to handover of the movable plank house. The responsibilities and details of each process shall be clearly stated in the contract from the process of undertaking, material mobilization, construction and handover of the mobile house.
4. Use the movable board room correctly according to the instructions. For example, the load capacity of the second floor movable plank house can bear more than a few people according to the regulations. Do not exceed the limit, otherwise it will collapse easily.
5. During the installation of the movable plank house, the construction load of the roof, floor, platform, etc. must be controlled. It is strictly prohibited to exceed the requirements of the design drawings and corresponding specifications, which will increase the bearing capacity of the movable house.
6. Check the quality of the movable plank house every year to see if the supporting bar is rusty or has aged.
以上就是濟南活動板房為大家介紹關于活動板房坍塌現(xiàn)象如何避免的詳細內容  更多的內容請關注公司官網(wǎng)http://www.fptdc.cn
These are the details of how to avoid the collapse of the movable plank house in Jinan. Please pay attention to the company's official website for more details http://www.fptdc.cn




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